East Park
What started as two guys and a park, has become a collaborative effort between the Logan-Hocking Schools, Hocking County, and the Citizens of Logan Ohio to build a playground park on the site of the old East Elementary School.
Our Projects
Starting in November 2018, construction of the brand new park began. Damon Kuhn wanted to do something special to honor a little boy who has spent most of his life fighting Batten Disease. Damon enlisted the help of fellow Rotarian Andrew McGhee and they set out to design a park where children with disabilities and children without could all play together. The park became a reality when they received a $75,800 grant from the State of Ohio. While the grant would provide the basic structures, Damon & Andrew had a vision of a much larger park. They started fundraising for the park in December 2017. Tremendous support by residents and businesses of Hocking County helped raise an additional $51,000! Excavation was also done pro bono by the Ohio Operating Engineeers local 18. Many other businesses have also donated their time and equipment to help make this park a success. Construction was completed on May 20th, 2019.
501 E Main St
ADA Compliant Swing & Table
Slides & Playscape
Climbing & Ground Activities
Park Overview
Park Rear View
Full Court Basketball
Our Donors
Without donations from local businesses and individuals, the development of East Park would not be possible. We would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to these donors:
Top Sponser - $25,000
Gold Star Sponsor - Grand Champion Lamb 2018
Rachel Cottrill & Family
Tier 1 Sponsors
- Moose Family Lodge
- Ohio Operating Engineers Local 18
- Walmart of Logan
- Hocking Co. Board of DD
- Citizens Bank of Logan
- Logan Holl Foundation
- Logan Rotary Club
- Kilbarger Construction
- Franklin Equipment
- Andrew & Shana McGhee & Family
- Damon & Vikki Kuhn & Family
- Pleasant Valley Lawncare
Tier 2 Sponsors
- Davita Dialysis
- ServiceMaster of Hocking Hills
- Roger Shaw & Family
- Hedges Family
- Dan Buck & Family Honoring those with MS
Tier 3 Sponsors
- Sandra Ogle
- Logan Insurance Agency
- Hocking County CIC
- Roberts Funeral Home
- Rebecca & Gordon Conn
- Trace’s A-1 Sanitation, Inc.
- Robert Lilley & Suzanne Mowery Lilley
- B.W. Hicks Construction
- Logan Welding Inc.
Tier 4 Sponsors
Special thanks to the Logan Hocking Schools!
What is Batten Disease?
Awareness for a rare genetic disorder
Batten Disease is a rare inherited disorder of the nervous system with no current treatment or cure. Children and adults with Batten disease have inherited genetic material from their parents that may take some years to come to bear in their everyday lives. And when it does, families are often in shock when they learn how a normal child or adult (Kufs form) could change quickly, and without seeming cause. Those affected with Batten Disease suffer progressive neurological impairment, seizures, blindness, loss of motor skills, speaks, and finally loss of life.
Batten disease is one of approximately 50 diseases called lysosomal storage disorders (LSD), meaning that genetic mutations disrupt the cells ability to dispose of wastes. With Batten disease, cells are thrown out of balance with the build-up of proteins and lipids (fats). Because of these damaged cells, patients with Batten disease suffer progressive neurological impairment and generally do not live longer than age 12.